May 14, 2024

CascadiaJS Club Trip Plans - Summer 2024

All of the planning and registration information for CascadiaJS!

Welcome back to our blog, App Developers! We are taking four of our members to a fully-funded trip to a JavaScript conference in Seattle, called CascadiaJS.

Continue reading to learn more about CascadiaJS, our plans, and how you can sign-up.

What is CascadiaJS?

CascadiaJS is a conference hosted annually in Seattle, WA. You can learn more about the schedule on their website here Here is a list of things we will do while there:

  • Attend tech talks and a job fair
  • Talk and network with experienced engineers
  • After conference hours we will explore Seattle!
  • Enjoy food as a club!

Registration Details

Here is the link to the registration form:

Please make sure to read all of the Event Details below before registering. We are placing preference to members who can leave from either Corvallis or Portland and those have attended the App Development Club meetings regularly.

All Event Plans

Travel Plan:

  • Dates: June 20th - June 21st

Depending on where you are on Thursday, June 20th, there are a few transportation options to get to Seattle:

  • Take a FlixBus from Corvallis at 8:00am
  • Take a FlixBus from Portland at 8:30am or 10:40am.

We will be leaving the conference on Friday, June 21st, and there are a few transportation options to get back to Oregon:

  • Take a FlixBus from Seattle at 4:20pm, gets to Corvallis at 10:00pm or Portland at 7:50pm.
  • Take a FlixBus from Seattle at 5:50pm, gets to Portland at 9:10pm.

Hotel Room Details

Once you are there, you will get checked into your hotel room at The Inn at Virginia Mason, which is a 5 minute walk from the event center!

  • We will be pairing people to share a room (two different beds), but we may be able to accommodate a few people who aren’t comfortable sharing a room with anybody. You will be able to state your preference in the registration form, but nothing is guaranteed.
  • You will also be able to say in the registration form who you prefer to share a hotel room with.

Food Details

Three meals will be provided:

  • Upon arriving to Seattle, we will cover lunch.
  • As a club, we will go out for a dinner on Thursday night after the first day.
  • Brunch on the day we leave.

Thats it! If you have more questions, please ask an officer.